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Perforation Event Pressure Gauge

The Burst Gauge is designed to measure the pressure response of a perforation event.

DataCan's Burst gauge is a downhole memory pressure gauge designed to capture perforation pressure events. This memory pressure gauge has an ultra high-speed (32kHz) sample rate that is activated by a pressure trigger.

The pressure signature from the perforation event can be compared with lab results and prove to the oil and gas operator that the gun design is providing adequate underbalanced clean-out. 

Using the 32kHz high-speed sample rate, we can capture the perforation event pressure signature.

The burst gauge is rugged enough to be placed beside the perforation gun. DataCan recommends running a semi-disposable viscous shock absorber. 

To rent a burst gauge, please contact your local field support office.  

High-speed downhole pressure data sampling is used to capture and verify dynamic underbalanced perforating events. Laboratory perforation charge samples are tested and a resulting pressure signature can be confirmed downhole using the DataCan Burst gauge. 

Burst Data

More information on dynamic underbalanced perforating with high-speed pressure gauges can be found here:

OnePetro - Evaluation of Established Perforation Cleanup Models on Dynamic Underbalanced Perforating

Perforating—When Failure Is the Objective

The Burst Gauge is conceptually two gauges in one. One section of the gauge circuit is sampling downhole pressure at regular 1-second intervals. The second section is sampling at 32,000 samples per second. Because we don't have enough memory at this high speed, the circuit continuously dumps the high-speed data. As the data enters the memory we evaluate the data and look for a perforating event. Either a maximum set point or a pre-programmed change in pressure over time defines the event. Upon recognizing that an event has occurred the data stored in the memories buffer is stored along with the following 15 seconds of high-speed event data. The Burst gauge has the ability to capture up to 8 high-speed events. After retrieving the downhole pressure gauge, the 1-second sampling data is overlayed over the high-speed data into one graph.  

Extreme shock reliability is required as the Burst Gauge is located directly below the perforating guns. In order to capture the high-speed event, the Burst gauge must be able to withstand the extreme shock from the perforation explosion. Using the DataCan shock mitigator will dampen the shock to the tool. The design of the tool is critical in all aspects, welded rugged sensors, sour service metallurgy, high-pressure seal solutions, rugged and shock-mounted circuits, and specifically packaged power sources are required to withstand the environment. Couple that with easy-to-use software and non-volatile memory to ensure data collection is guaranteed.